Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Fool

The Fool 

From...The Tarot Bible by Sarah Bartlett

Impulse, infatuation, blind to the truth, childlike, pure and uncorrupt

The eternal optimist
Ready to leap into anything
Taking each adventure as it comes
Spontaneous and carefree
Going on a personal quest
Impulsively setting off into the unknown


The Fool usually implies new beginnings and childlike enthusiasm for life. This card represents the part of yourself that comes to life when you need adventure, fall in love or are looking for quick answers; the inner child or crazy fool who acts without thinking, unafraid of the unknown and ready to leap in at the deep end.

   The Fool always signifies the unpredictable, that life is full of surprises and that anything goes. It can indicate that it is time to let go of worries and self doubt, to take a leap of faith rather than fear making a choice.

   In a relationship issue, watch out for falling in love with love and not looking where a relationship is heading. This card can also imply you have an immature attitude toward relationships or your professional abilities. Perhaps you are avoiding responsibility.

   The Fool can mean that you won't listen to anyone's advice and that you are being careless with promises and feelings. You may be blind to future heartaches or rush into a new venture too soon without thinking things through. The main feeling behind this card is a warning to look before you leap, but if you are confused about making a decision the Fool implies that it's time to believe in yourself and trust your heart. Sometimes resistance is more foolish than risk.

   If the Fool appears in a "future outcome" position, then it signal a new beginning or change of direction. Perhaps an irresponsible, wild, uninhibited lover, friend or stranger will become important in your life. In any question concerned with sexual intimacy, the Fool represents erotic vitality, joie de vivre, but also a reluctance to make any commitments.

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