Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Lovers

From the Tarot Bible by Sarah Bartlett...

Love, Completeness, Choice, Temptation, Commitment

*The power of love and how we deal with it. 
*What you mean by the word "love"?
*Seeking wholeness
*Being true to your values
*Sexual harmony
*"Made in heaven" relationship
*Romantic desire
*Feeling drawn to another
*Making a choice
*Knowing what is right and wrong for you personally 
*Wanting Union


The Lovers is a care everyone wants to draw, but it is far more complex than just signifying new love in your life,or harmony and happiness. The image reveals that we are all separate individuals, however close we feel to someone sexually or emotionally, and we must acknowledge each other's personal values or needs. 

If you draw this card in the "you now" position, your heart rules your head or you want to bein live and escape the doubts, fears and inhibitions of the world around you. If you draw this card a a "future" card, new romance could come into your life without you even looking for it. 

This card implies that it is time to make a relationship choice. Do you commit? Will your partner commit? Do you go your own ways? Conflicts can be resolved if this card is in the "future" position, but can also indicate that temptation will test the strength of a current relationship. Love triangles are also signified id this card appears in a "future" position. You may have to choose between two people or may even be tempted to get involved with someone who is already in a long term relationship.  

The Lovers archetype also asks you to think about what you, personally, mean by love and to take responsibility for you choices. We all use the word "love" very glibly, but love is different things to different people. You may want unconditional love, whereas someone else may want conditional love, approval, or be seeking to manipulate others to feel loved. This card asks you to be more aware of who you are and what values you place on love relationships. 

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